Best Wishes and Thanks to all My Clients
Looking Back on 2024; We “Realty Agents and Real Estate Photographers” of Collin County experienced Roller Coaster of Experience. I am walking away from the 2024 being able to say I have grown my Business. As Much as I Expected: No. However, looking back to last January and back to epic Failures of Economic Management I am feeling fortunate to still be standing. A lot of Great Agents and Photographers did not weather the storm, and I know only Luck stood between being there and Being Here. For those that moved on: Best of Luck, ToYa!
Those are still around: First and Foremost Let me Say, I still want your business :).
Actually, The Question, Where are we headed in 2025. While Texas is full of optimism, I have my reservations. I say that Knowing Trump Won; and the last time he knocked it out of the Park. But What he is trying to accomplish; by a normal administration would start in the dungeons and require Iron Ladders to get out quick. So, while looking four years ahead I think America will be in a much better position. But already Receding House prices gives one hope that they cant go lower. But They Can. And that is Scary.
However, the Great news, It not an inflation drop, or recession drop, or even a lack of money supply drop. Nor a Housing Glut(not yet), but we are getting closer. If housing Stop moving; it will be likely caused by the Sea Changes Trump will being imposing on America. Being a Smart man and having a smart crew working for him; I am thinking its a quarter thing, or 2 quarters thing.
Why is that important; As a business owner, you must be aware of you downside. And. Most of US; can weather a 6 month storm. However, With Trump being Smart and Im just a hammer banging away. I could be Wrong and it wouldn’t be the first time.
But How Do you weather the storm. Do know, cant Tell you, because each of us are different. I can only tell you what I am doing.
- I have cut back on Marketing Big time: but that is not necessarily the right thing to do. But for me.. Throwing money into a Stagnant Market is just too depressing. I have been there and done that and it hurts. More importantly; I have never repeated anything that did not work the first. Having marketed in bad economy I have marked several types of marketing off my list, and never even considered them again; thou its likely I am missing out. But. To me its just to painful and discouraging to have a failed marketing plan. So, no down market advertising.
- Develop a plan that will clue you as to When to get back in: That means staying engaged; Looking at other people successes, housing trends, On the market house sale prices. Save your dollars so you can go back in when the market ready.. or hopefully; when this new season begins.
- Keep Busy; Square away your business and Business plan. When things get busy we ignore the part of the job we dont like…In my case; Working on my website. Adding Hero Images, Getting rid of dated images; Throwing out the bad; and Polishing the best. This for me is the hardest part of the business. I am constantly working to make my photography Better, equipment better, Presentation Better; But honestly I have some really great images that gets lost in the pile. Because I am always looking to go Forward.
- Lastly and the most importantly: Relax, Visit your family spend quality time; and carve it out for your self. My favorite thing to do is Bird, nature, landscape and travel Photography, and my latest: just flying my Drone. So, I am off to do So.. See you in the spring.Realty Photos Collin County